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 Foroyaa Marks 34th Anniversary

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 31 Aug 2021 : 15:31:05
Congratulations Foroyaa!

Foroyaa Marks 34th Anniversary
Foroyaa Editorial: August 31, 2021

Foroyaa was founded this day 34 years ago, that is, on 31st August 1987. It was published every fortnight, on the 15th and last day of every month.

It had profound impact, dealing with the burning issues of the day, focusing on the concerns of the people, holding the government accountable to the people and enlightening the people.

Up to 2001 the work of Foroyaa was performed by young volunteers who were committed to awareness creation and transformation of their society. Each volunteer was highly motivated. Each would go to school in the morning to teach, sell the paper and search for news; each would come to the office after school in the afternoon or evening to type, print or compile the paper.

They were few in number but they were able to achieve a lot.

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