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 “Leeboon! Lupeen!"Vol.1:Gambian Folktales & Fables

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kobo Posted - 27 Mar 2014 : 02:55:55
1. Cornelius Gomez books launched

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

A three set of books entitled ‘Folk Tales and Fables’, ‘Let Us Read And Write Wolof’ and ‘Leeboon Lupeen’ written by Cornelius Gomez was last Thursday launched at the National Centre for Art & Culture.

The ‘Folk Tales and Fables’ Vol 1 is written in English language, while the ‘Let Us Read And Write’ was written in Wolof and English language and ‘Leeboon Lupeen’ is purely in Wolof language.....

Full report from The Daily Observer News

2. Interview with Gambian master story-teller

Friday, March 07, 2014

Cornelius Gomez, made famous by the story-telling programme on GRTS television, has launched three books entitled, “Let Us Read and Write Olof Book 1”, “Leeboon! Lupeen! Vol.1”, “Gambian Folktales and Fables Vol.1”

The book launch ceremony was held recently at the National Museum premises in Banjul.

On the eve of the event, Cornelius Gomez gave the following interview to Hassoum Ceesay entitled, “The power of story-telling”.

Interview with Cornelius Gomez – Master Story-teller

One of The Gambia’s master story tellers and a linguist, Cornelius Gomez, talks about the role of the story telling genre and national languages in national development on the eve of the launch of his new titles at the National Museum in Banjul.

Interview by:Hassoum Ceesay....

Full Report from The Point News

3. A STORY:- The smart hare

Friday, March 07, 2014

It was the day of the Alkalo of Tendaba's baby christening. Everyone had been looking forward to the celebrations especially hare who had a piece of long wood which he had been marking so that he could count down to the day. The Alkalo's compound was a bit of a distance to where he lived just near the edge of the forest and to reach it, he would have to travel past the part where the wild animals habitat were.....

Full Story from The Observer News

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