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 The bravest women in the world

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 23 Mar 2014 : 09:53:25
Congratulations to our own Dr. Isatou Touray of GAMCOTRAP for being choosen to be among the bravest women in the world.

The bravest women in the world

By Caroline Shepherd
March 7, 2014

Today, on International Women’s Day, I’d like you to meet the bravest women in the world.

They are the Malala’s you’ve never heard of, women who literally risk their lives every day through their determination to fight for other people's rights.

They don’t have to do it. They could choose to keep their heads down, lead a quiet existence, and look out for their own and their families’ safety.

But they are so moved by injustice and the need to help others that they continue their work, knowingly becoming the targets of governments, corporations and armed groups who have an interest in keeping them silent.

These nine women are just a handful of the many thousands of women and girls around the world who are the unsung heroines of human rights.

Dr Isatou Touray Gambian woman Dr Isatou Touray has spent her career campaigning against female genital mutilation (FGM), which is endured by four out of five women in The Gambia. Dr Touray is the founder and Executive Director of The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices. Because of her work, she has been constantly threatened by the authorities, falsely charged and imprisoned. Despite this, her organisation’s outreach has resulted in 125 practitioners of FGM agreeing to ‘drop the knife’ and over 900 communities in The Gambia ending FGM in their area. Image: © GAMCOTRAP

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