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 Cultural guide: General
 The world’s last bastion against female suffrage

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 19 Mar 2014 : 00:28:49
A page from the British The Daily Telegraph newspaper.

And a video as well.

Comments anyone?

Snippet: "The historic decision came after King Abdullah, the Saudi ruler, conceded that a study of Muslim history had shown that women were capable of rational thinking and decision making.

“Muslim women in our Islamic history have demonstrated positions that expressed correct opinions and advice,” he told advisers.

Even in the Middle East, where women’s rights have lagged behind much of the rest of the world, Saudi Arabia has stood out as a reactionary citadel against the march of feminism.

Women have been denied the most basic of freedoms, forbidden from driving or leaving the country without the permission of a male guardian.

King Abdullah’s ruling appeared to show that even Saudi Arabia was not immune to the climate of greater openness and freedom being swept across the Middle East in the wake of the Arab Spring."

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