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 Obituary: Veteran journalist Alhaji Ngange Demba

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 21 Oct 2024 : 14:18:51
Veteran journalist Alhaji Ngange Demba Thomas passes away
The Point: Oct 21, 2024

Veteran journalist Alhaji Ngange Demba Thomas has passed away on the wee hours of Sunday, his family has announced. He was 82.

He was laid to rest on Sunday at 2pm at Nema Kunku.

In a tribute to Mr. Thomas in 2018, the Gambia Press Union described him as “true legend in the business and a very genuine, gracious man in person, he will remain undoubtedly an inspiration to a whole generation of political journalists, social activists and aspiring leaders such as us the youngsters.

Personifying the values of the noble profession, he has taught many others, by his own example, indeed how to do the job right and how to live by the rules of the game.”

Yes, Ngange Thomas has always been the outspoken, outstanding and courageous journalist.

He has been the inspirational penman, always determined to find the facts and report on the truth.

In so doing, he has become a trailblazer of future modern Gambian journalism; an icon, that many of the local journalists, would continue to look up to, for inspiration, motivation and creativity.

As a truly dedicated and illustrious journalist, Ngange Thomas has undoubtedly been a light, indeed, to many particularly the aspiring, journalists, public figures etc, etc, etc.

To us and many others, he remains a giant among journalists who strive to put the ordinary man and woman at the heart of their reporting.

A true champion of a free press and of holding the powerful to account; indeed, speaking truth to power, so to speak.

May his works and deeds continue to inspire generations yet to come.”

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