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 Obituary: Bunny Wailer - Neville Livingston

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 02 Mar 2021 : 20:20:34
The last of the original Wailers (Peter Tosh, Bob Marley and Bunny Wailer) passed away to join the others. R.I.P

“With great sadness, we announce the loss of our beloved brother NEVILLE 'BUNNY WAILER' LIVINGSTON. His life was a blessing and his memories remain a treasure, loved beyond words and missed beyond measures. You will never be forgotten” - The Wailers
Jah B moved to Zion today, March 2nd Tuesday about 8:00 this morning at the Medical Associates Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica. He was 73. A cause of death was not given, though Neville Livingston has been in and out of the hospital since suffering his second stroke in 2020.
“What your hands do, it is your own eyes that have seen. So won't you judge your actions. To make sure the results are clean, it’s your own conscience that is going to remind you that it's your heart and nobody else's that is going to judge. Be not selfish in your doings. Help your brothers in their needs. Live for yourself and you will live in vain, live for others, you will live again. In the kingdom of Jah men shall reign. Pass it on. What's in the darkness must be revealed to light. We are not here to judge what is good from bad but to do the things that are right. On a hot, sunny day follow the shadows for rescue but as the day grows old. I know the sun is gonna find you” #PassItOn #BunnyWailer

Source: World Reggae Music
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Momodou Posted - 02 Mar 2021 : 22:53:09
Bunny Wailer: Reggae legend who played with Bob Marley dies, aged 73
By Mark Savage
BBC music reporter

One of reggae's most important voices, Bunny Wailer, has died at the age of 73.

The musician, from Kingston, Jamaica, was a founding member of The Wailers alongside his childhood friend, Bob Marley.
Together, they achieved international fame with reggae classics like Simmer Down and Stir It Up, before Wailer left to go solo in 1974.
He went on to win three Grammys and was given Jamaica's Order Of Merit in 2017....

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