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 Sukuta urges gov’t to stop ‘clearing Salagi forest

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 30 Oct 2024 : 13:45:14
Sukuta urges gov’t to stop ‘clearing Salagi forest for a private company’
The Standard: October 29, 2024

The Sukuta Village Development Committee and other ‘concerned citizens in the town have called on the government to immediately stop all activities related to the clearing of a part of Salagi Forest.

A press statement issued by the town’s authorities shared with The Standard yesterday, stated: “It has come to our attention in October 2024 that a portion of this vital forest area is being cleared for the dumping and sale of basalt by a private company, without any prior public knowledge or consultation.

Many in our community are surprised and outraged by this move given the forest’s environmental and economic importance and the likely consequence posed by the company’s proposed commercial activity.”

The Sukuta VDC also raised concerns about the transparency of the project, arguing “we are deeply concerned that this project has proceeded without transparency or public input, undermining the rights of local communities to have a say in developments that affect their environment and livelihoods.”

The VDC said the people of Sukuta are resolute in their stance that deforestation is unacceptable and urged the government to, immediately halt all clearing activities in Salagi Forest,,engage with the Sukuta community and relevant stakeholders in an open dialogue regarding the future of the area, and prioritise sustainable development practices that protect the natural resources for future generations.

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