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 Hanging, Police investigate

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 27 Jun 2023 : 11:07:15



Man in Badibou reportedly commits suicide

Oct 27, 2020, 11:43 AM | Article By: Momodou Jawo

One Sanna Touray, a native of Salikenne village in the Central Badibou District of the North Bank Region is reported to have committed suicide over the weekend; The Point has been reliably informed.

An anonymous source familiar with the matter confirmed that police in the region are also investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Our source further claimed that the deceased, Sanna Touray, 26, was reported to be mentally unstable. “He committed the suicide outside their compound where he hung himself to death under a tree. People came to notice about the incident when someone saw him hanging.”

Meanwhile, our reporter has been informed that the police are investigating for any foul play in the death of Mr. Touray.
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toubab1020 Posted - 17 Jul 2024 : 22:19:05

Now is maybe the right time in the history of The Gambia to settle once and for all incidents that have been allowed to gently pass away into the mists of time .

In my opinion this is such an incident .

TODAY IS THE 17th of July 2024.
toubab1020 Posted - 26 Apr 2024 : 15:39:02

Have there been any developments in the Police investigation since my post of 5th of July 2023 above ?
toubab1020 Posted - 05 Jul 2023 : 11:40:03

"the police are investigating for any foul play in the death of Mr. Touray."

It is most likely in my opinion that as there have been no further developments,that it was a case of Mr. Touray's mental health,I wonder if there will be an inquest by a Coroner ? Dear Reader can you tell me if there is a Coroners inquest for non natural deaths in The Gambia.

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