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 The Blame game.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 27 May 2023 : 10:29:50
I found this quite interesting, is this article about Sports, or Politics ? it's VERY long this is why I have only posted a snippet just to give you Dear Reader ,a taste of what you will read .
It is unclear to me the role of, "With Aisha Jallow"

THIS search of the WWW may help you .(link below)


"f there was a World Cup in blame game, I am certain that The Gambia would win.

....It is very interesting to follow the political debate in the media and to see where one after another is praising themselves at the same time as they are blaming someone else. Whenever I read this kind of statements, I come to think of a Swedish politician called Jimmie Åkesson.

He is the leader of Sweden democrats, a party that has one main issue on their agenda: they dislike foreigners and wish to throw them out from Sweden as soon as possible. This party has been in the opposition for several years, but unfortunately, they are now part of the leading majority......



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