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 ‘D8.5M imprest not submitted

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 15 Feb 2023 : 18:16:44


‘D8.5M imprest not submitted for retirement from affiliates’

Feb 15, 2023, 1:00 PM | Article By: Jankey Ceesay

Gambia’s Accountant General Agnes Macaulay, who appeared before the Finance and Public Accounts Committee of lawmakers to present updates on retired imprest and the 2019 accounts of government, has disclosed that an imprest of D8.5 million was not submitted for retirement.

“As at the time of writing this management responses, out of D8.5 million imprest, an outstanding amount of six hundred and seventy-two thousand one hundred dalasis (D672,100) relates to imprest holders who are not in active service, thereby they cannot be traced,” the accountant general revealed.

She stated that five million nine hundred and forty-one thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two dalasis (D5,941,762) is available for retirement, while one million eight hundred and fifty-two thousand and forty-eight dalasis (D1,852,048) is still not submitted for retirement.

AG Macauley gave a breakdown of the details of the outstanding imprest and the updated response as of the day she presented her report at the National Assembly, saying that the lapse or snag relating to the retirement of the imprest at the scheduled dates involves several public officials and state institutions such as MansaKonko sub-treasury, Janjangbureh sub-treasury, Kerewan sub-treasury, Basse sub-treasury, The Gambia’s UN Permanent Representative and some individuals who are no more in active service or on government payroll.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 16 Feb 2023 : 14:26:42
“It will be independent, fair-minded, thorough and composed of competent Gambians from the Accounting, Legal and Administrative sectors.”

Spokesperson Sankareh added: “President Barrow remains resolute, uncowed and doggedly determined to make sure that this Commission sees the light of day no longer than the first week of March 2023.”




Barrow endorses Commission to probe allegations of financial mismanagement in all area councils & municipalities

Feb 16, 2023, 11:12 AM

Following intensive hearings before the National Assembly’s Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) and audit exercises into the finances of area councils and municipalities across the country, the Gambia government has decided to further probe the alleged improprieties.

Speaking during the breakfast programme – ‘Coffee Time with Peter Gomez’ – on West Coast Radio Wednesday, the Gambia Government Spokesperson and Presidential Diaspora Adviser, Ebrima G. Sankareh, confirmed that “a process is in motion to set up a Commission of Inquiry into the financial activities of all area or municipal councils throughout The Gambia, no exceptions - all of them”.

“In fact,” he said, “the legal instruments have been presented last week and President Barrow wasted no time in endorsing them. He has signed the legal instruments and the Commission is being constituted to probe into the finances of all area councils.

“It will be independent, fair-minded, thorough and composed of competent Gambians from the Accounting, Legal and Administrative sectors.”

Spokesperson Sankareh added: “President Barrow remains resolute, uncowed and doggedly determined to make sure that this Commission sees the light of day no longer than the first week of March 2023.”

The Commission consists of:

Jainaba Bah Sambou (chairperson), Samba Faal, Oreme E. Joiner, Baba M. Leigh, and Sukai Secka Sagnia.

The Commission is authorised to inquire into the conduct of all local government councils, in particular, the circumstances surrounding the loans acquired for and on behalf of a local government council between the periods of May 2018 and January 2023 among a host of others.


toubab1020 Posted - 15 Feb 2023 : 18:30:01
Re the above I am a little confused by some of the wording,ie."(D1,852,048) is still not submitted for retirement" .and this " some individuals who are no more in active service or on government payroll." surley Accountant General Agnes Macaulay can make enquiries of the " public officials and state institutions " public officials and state institutions who must have the pension details of those who recieve retirement pensions from their work,some people will have died in which case where is that money being paid to.
I am very confused and would like YOU DEAR READER resolve my confusion.

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