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 Autopsy information yet to be released

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 28 Jan 2023 : 15:16:23
By Sariba Manneh on January 27, 2023

The Deputy Spokesperson of the Gambia Police Force (GPF), Cadet ASP Muhammed Darboe, yesterday 26th January 2023, informed Foroyaa that they still await the autopsy report of the late Fajikunda Imam, Basirou Bah.

Earlier, family members of the deceased, friends and the National Assembly Member for Latrikunda Sabiji Constituency, urged the police to conduct a diligent and speedy investigation into the suspected suicide involving the said Imam.

Mr. Bah was found hanged in an incomplete building on the 13th of January 2023. Members of his family said investigations into the matter should not be treated like other investigations because it involves suspected suicide of a religious leader. As they grieve over the death of Imam Bah, they described him as a pious and down to earth human being.

Updating the public on the matter, Cadet ASP Darboe, said no autopsy report is yet to be made from investigators, when contacted to shed light on the matter.

If readers can recall, the police considered the death of Imam Basirou Bah of Fajikunda Bajonkoto as suspicious. However, they have not gone too far to call it murder, because all the facts (physical examination) collected by the investigators, indicate that there was no foul-play.

Cadet ASP Darboe said they hope to have the when the police conclude investigations into the matter.

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