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 NAWEC-AGIB Scam : Millions of Dalasis stolen

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 24 Mar 2021 : 15:16:47

Court Issues Bench Warrant for Arrest of Individuals Charged With Hacking NAWEC QPower Bank Account

By Yankuba Jallow & Mariama Marong
Foroyaa: March 24, 2021

Principal Magistrate S. Jobarteh of the Banjul Magistrate’s Court has on Tuesday, 23rd March issued a bench warrant for the arrest of two non-Nigerians, who are accused of hacking the NAWEC’s Qpower Account.

Godwin Ojukun and Frederick Felix Chainacherem are charged with two criminal offences relating to their alleged involvement in the hacking of the Qpower account. They are charged with conspiracy to commit felony and money laundering.

Chief Inspector E Sarr for the Inspector General of Police said the two are currently apprehended in Guinea Bissau awaiting extradition. He explained that the Interpol office in Banjul have requested for their extradition, but their counterparts in Bissau are requesting for a bench warrant of arrest from a court of law.

Sarr, when making the application for the issuance of bench warrant for the arrest of the two accused persons, pleaded with the court to grant the application in order to extradite the two.

The Principal Magistrate said she was satisfied with the application, adding it has merit. On this regard, she granted the application and issued a bench warrant of arrest against the two accused persons.

On the first count, they were charged with conspiracy to commit felony. According to the particulars of offence, the two accused persons, in the year 2021 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, conspired among themselves and jointly hacked the National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) Qpower bank account number 003101010102011137 at Agib Bank, knowing same to have been proceed of a crime, for the purpose of concealing the illicit origin of the funds to evade traces.

On the second and final count, the two were charged with money laundering contrary to section 22 (a) and (b) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act Combatting Terroristm Finance Act 2012. According to the particulars of the offence, the two accused persons, in the year 2021 in Banjul and diverse places in The Gambia, jointly hacked the NAWEC Qpower bank account at Agib Bank, knowing same to have been the proceed of a crime, for the purpose of concealing the illicit origin of the funds to evade traces.

The case was adjourned to the 26th April 2021 at 10 am for mention and for further hearing.
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Momodou Posted - 25 Mar 2021 : 11:59:43
More Revelations into NAWEC-AGIB Scam
By Fabakary B Ceesay
The Trumpet: March 23, 2021

The Trumpet newspaper continues to excavate into the financial scam of millions of Dalasis stolen from the account of National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) at Arab Gambia Islamic Bank (AGIB). The D15, 500, 000 was transferred from the account of NAWEC to different accounts at different Banks all under the name of one person.

The said account holder (name withheld) is a Gambia businessman and is currently helping the Police in the investigation. Two other persons, a Gambian and a Nigerian are said to be on the run.

Findings of our investigations reveals that the amounts were transferred after signatories to the NAWEC account were used to approve the transaction on various operations.

Signatories of NAWEC accounting and financial officers namely, Ousainou Jallow known as “OJ’ and Isatou Jawara, the newly appointed Managing Director were used to finalise the transactions and the payments to the three accounts at ECO, Zenith and Sky Banks, respectively.

Trumpet also discovered that the invoices used to justify the approval and payment from NAWEC account to the said accounts are not the same and did not march with invoices used by NAWEC for financial transactions.

The information also added that the amount transferred to Zenith Bank account was intercepted before it was withdrawn by the account holder. Ho

However, the amounts transferred to ECO and SKY Banks were emptied from the accounts

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