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 Youths being active,in Peace Building.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 28 Jan 2021 : 14:13:04


Jan 26, 2021, 1:40 PM | Article By: Pa Modou Cham

After conducting a bountiful event in their quest to promote peace, the deputy executive director of Peace Gambia (PG) Lamin Barra has called for inclusion to continue in building peace in The Gambia and beyond.

The event that was named after former president Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara attracted the attention of many Gambians and foreigners, who contributed immensely to both domestic and international peace.

In an interview with this medium, Mr. Barra said Peace Gambia (PG), is a vibrant youth organization formed to promote unity, justice and peaceful coexistence.

The organization established in September, 2019, Barra added that is a non-political, non-governmental organisation, which gives everyone due rights and equality irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, occupation or family background.

“In our quest to promote peace, it is significant to start from the grassroots. Therefore Peace Gambia has its branches (peace clubs) in various schools (Junior & Senior) within the country to encourage school going kids embrace peace building for national development. As stated in our motto and from the national anthem: “THAT ALL MAY LIVE IN UNITY.” In unity, freedom and daily peace globally, our dreams would turn into our goals.”

He added that every individual is entitled to their opinion irrespectively of affiliations.

He also urged Gambians to take up peace advocate mantles individually and collectively in their activities.

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