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 Ghana to change English as medium of instruction

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Janko Posted - 24 Oct 2015 : 11:07:19
Ghana to change English as medium of instruction

The call to change the use of English language as a medium of instruction in school at all levels has been raging for years but there has always been a lack of political will to walk the talk.

The minister’s stance drew thunderous cheers from the gathering which included students and lecturers and members from the general public.

Countries such as Korea which used to be at par with Ghana are now way ahead in terms of development because they taught their school children using their native language, she recounted.

“Because the Koreans were taught in a language they understood, education picked up; because we are teaching our children a language they can’t event follow, we are drawing them back.

“The real change for me is not about reviewing the curriculum, it is not about extension of construction it is about relevant,” the education minister intimated...

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In an audacious move that is to revolutionise Tanzania's primary and secondary education, the country's Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has decided to ditch English as the medium of instruction in its schools...

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 25 Oct 2015 : 23:32:56
Janko perhaps this wording will make things a little clearer:

If the people of countries outside England want their children to be taught in their native language then let it be so,other countries have no rights to dictate such things.

Originally posted by toubab1020

Why not? whatever turns you on in your country do what you like. Nothing to do with the rest of the world

I do not understand - what did you say?

Janko Posted - 25 Oct 2015 : 00:10:02
Originally posted by toubab1020

Why not? whatever turns you on in your country do what you like. Nothing to do with the rest of the world

I do not understand - what did you say?
toubab1020 Posted - 24 Oct 2015 : 17:04:26
Why not? whatever turns you on in your country do what you like. Nothing to do with the rest of the world

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