A brief introduction 


me I am from Niani in the Central River Division of The Gambia on the West Coast of Africa. It is predominantly, made up of the Mandinka,the Fula and the Wollof language groups. There are other minority groups such as Mansuanka, Balanta, Manjago, Jola etc. All living together with mutual understanding and respect for each other's traditional norms and values. Islam and Christianity are the main religions in this area. The main economic activity is farming. A wide range of crops such as peanuts, millet, sorghum, rice, maize, potatoes, sesame etc are cultivated.

I graduated as a Marine Engineer from Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management, Denmark, in June 1993. Ealier, I was awarded a Certified Mechanist Certificate from the same college in 1987. I am a member of the Danish Engineers Association.


This website is made and maintained as a hobby. Others include drawing and painting, photography, swimming and community work in various humanitarian organizations.

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Last updated on December 26th, 2019
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