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 WAEC releases 2022 WASSCE results

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 18 Aug 2022 : 14:06:34
WAEC releases 2022 WASSCE results
The Point: Aug 18, 2022

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Banjul Office, in a dispatch has announced the release of results of the 2022 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates.
A total of 15,360 candidates from 136 Senior Secondary Schools registered for the examination – which represents a decrease in candidature of 5.38% over the previous year’s entry figure of 16,234 candidates. Out of the 15,360 candidates that registered for the examination this year 6,319 (41.14%) were male, while 9,041 (58.86%) were female.

“In the 2022 WASSCE for School Candidates, The Gambian candidates registered in 32 subjects which included English Language, Mathematics and a host of Science, Arts, Commerce, Technical and Vocational Subjects.”

“Six hundred and five (605) candidates (3.94%) obtained credit passes in five subjects and above including English Language and Mathematics. On a gender basis, 316 (5.00%) male candidates had five credit passes and above in which English Language and Mathematics are included, while 289 (3.20%) female candidates had five credits and above in which English Language and Mathematics are included.”

“A summary of the performance in WASSCE for School Candidates, 2022 in terms of the number of credit passes obtained and the percentage of candidates that obtained such number of credit passes is given below.”


9 Subjects      201                     1.31

8 Subjects     336                      2.19

7 Subjects     426                      2.77

6 Subjects     547                      3.56

5 Subjects     679                      4.42

4 Subjects     932                      6.07

3 Subjects     1262                     8.22

2 Subjects     2049                    13.34

1  Subject    3667                    23.87

“On behalf of the Chairman and Registrar to Council, the Head of National Office wishes to register the Council’s profound appreciation of the immense support rendered by The Gambia Government through the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE).”

“In a similar vein, the Council also recognizes and appreciates the fruitful efforts of other stakeholders, including its esteemed Examiners, Principals of Senior Secondary Schools as well as the Conference of Principals of Senior Secondary Schools (GAMCOP) who immensely contributed to the successful conduct of the examination.”

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