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 Hamasi Baldeh, a 4-year-old boy is dead.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 24 Nov 2020 : 18:20:45
My Condolences to the parents relatives and friends of the deceased,a life extinguished before it has been lived to the full.


Nov 24, 2020, 11:01 AM | Article By: Momodou Jawo
Tragedy struck the community of Sare Samba in the Lower Fulladou District of the Central River Region when a vehicle part of the convoy of the Tourism and Culture minister, Hamat Bah reportedly knocked and killed one Hamasi Baldeh, a 4-year-old, The Point has been reliably informed.

Minister Hamat Bah is currently on a nationwide tour, visiting tourism and cultural areas ahead of the tourists’ season.

Eyewitnesses described the incident as “sad and shocking."

Mr. Bah’s convoy was believed to be coming from Brikama Ba end and heading to Kombo.

An anonymous source added that the driver who knocked the boy was speeding as he approached the said village.

“The four year old boy who was attempting to cross the road to the other side was eventually knocked by the speeding vehicle as the driver lost control."

Meanwhile, the body of deceased at the time of gathering the report was rushed to Bansang Hospital.

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